The Dozen Model Leadership Cards

An unexamined life they say is not worth living. Leaders who are not able to evaluate and consolidate positive and effective leadership principles will also struggle to lead effectively.

Through the Dozen Model Leadership Cards, leaders go through the RIARP five-step process leaders are able to assess and consolidate their leadership effectiveness.

· REALITY CARDS – Giving you a sense of where you are

· IDEAL CARDS – Helping you understand what it ought to be

· ACTION CARDS- Kickstarting the transformation

· REINFORCEMENT CARDS- Consolidating the resolve

· PROGRESS CARDS- Measuring your growth

The Dozen Model Leadership Cards is developed based on the Dozen Model Leadership Framework by Kemi Ogunkoya. Through a fun, interactive and immersive process, leaders are able to evaluate, develop and consolidate a plan for developing competence around the 12 elements of the framework: Clarity, Connection, Character, Confidence, Consequence, Community, Consideration, Critical Thinking, Communication, Competence, Commitment, and Consistency.

Regard this deck as a method, a catalyst, and a tool for consolidating effective leadership, this deck of cards offers you a unique, nonlinear, and in-depth experience for sustainable leadership.

In solitude or with friends, colleagues, team members or your spouse, hold these cards as you pause and breathe, giving yourself space and time to tap into your full leadership effectiveness and achieve all-round success in every key area of your life.

(Playing Instructions enclosed).



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